Don't Let This Happen to You
Following are actual case summaries, including the verdict, where security cameras and video surveillance warning signs could have changed the outcome for the business or property owner. When you balance the cost of security cameras against the potential cost of being sued and losing the case, security cameras are not expensive. You be the judge. The lesson: Protect yourself with insurance.
Type of Case and Verdict Summary of Facts
Inadequate Security
Negligent Security
Vu et ai, vs.
United National Bank,
et al.Owner of tailor shop in small retail mall was raped by a visitor to the mall. Her husband was assaulted, tied and witnessed the crime. No tenant had ever expressed a concern for safety or need for additional security. Security guard was on duty during the criminal act, but it was determined that he responded too slowly. Jury found the property owner, property management company and guard company 87.5% liable and the rapist only 12.5% liable for the damages.
Premises Liability
Negligent Maintenance
Harris vs. Ross Morgan
and Park Sorrento Condominium
Owners Association, Inc.Harris lost her balance and fell down a staircase. She claimed that Ross Morgan negligently performed inspection services it was required to perform and that the stairs were constructed improperly.
Premises Liability
Negligent Maintenance
Grassi vs. UDO PartnersGrassi was the owner of a small restaurant in a shopping center. Upon leaving work she stepped in a hole in the parking area and fell. She was seriously injured. The owners knew of the hole but failed to repair it. Grassi was also aware of the hole before the incident but stepped in it notwithstanding her knowledge. Defendants asserted that plaintiff could have avoided the hole.
Inadequate Security
Negligent Security
Manley vs. RainerManley was attacked and severely beaten in a restaurant - bar. He contended that the defendant had inadequate security and failed to take appropriate steps to intervene or prevent the assault and battery.
Inadequate Security
Premises Liability
Kanemoto vs. Encino
Manor Apartment, et al.Kanemoto was bound, gagged and raped by an intruder who gained access to her apartment.
Assault and Battery
$9,934,000Mother of infant sued Day Care Center after her child was severely injured after being shaken by an employee. There had been previous complaints against the employee. Owner failed to take precautions. There were no surveillance cameras to monitor employees.
Premises Liability
Wassen vs. Village Green
Homeowners AssociationA resident of the Village Green HOA opened her garage by using her electronic door opener. The plaintiff, an 86 year old resident was standing in front of the door and was injured when the door opened. The resident who opened the door did not see the plaintiff.
Premises Liability
Lecuyer vs. Sunset Trails
Apartments and MG PropertiesPlaintiff was walking backwards, directing a truck when she fell into a planter. She sued the property owner and management company.
Permission to reprint our Don't Let This Happen to You is granted provided Independent Insurance Agents of California is credited as the source.
OTC Insurance Services
a California Corporation
5737 Kanan Road, Suite 630
Agoura Hills, CA 91301
Isaac Ortiz 818-429-8022 (Direct)
Office: 818-658-1500
License # 3013582